Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It has been a while since I just updated everyone on all the neat things Isaiah is learning.

He is able to say (with some interpretation from mom):
~bye-bye (and waves)
~shoot (as in shoot the basketball in the hoop)
~and the newest, night night

He can sign
~thank you
(Now granted most of the time he has to be prompted to use these but none the less, will respond appropriately.)

He loves to read. He will go get books from his shelf and either come and plop on our laps if we are sitting on the floor or he will turn around and back into our legs, manuvering to be picked up, if we are on the couch.

He also enjoys his Baby Einstein videos. He will turn on the TV and then bring us the box if he wants to watch a movie. And he will usually sit still, watching, for the 30 minutes that it is on.

He knows these body parts and will point to them if asked:
He learned these from his bed time book I Love You Through and Through.

He is able to follow simple commands and loves to help out around the house. He is ready for spring/summer so he can be outside all the time.

He is still ornery as ever, getting into everything and making messes. But it so much fun watching learn every day.

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