Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funny sayings of my toddler

Isaiah is growing and changing every day and most of the time he is hilarious. Here are a few of his latest antics:

1. I have always been annoyed by parents who refer to their spouse as mommy or daddy -- until now!! I now know the reason: Isaiah loves to call his daddy "Adam"! And he knows that he shouldn't which makes it more ornery (and funny to me since he doesn't know my name!)

2. I have been working on letters with Isaiah and will use his magnadoodle to write his name and "mommy" and "daddy". But whenever he sees the letter "M" he identifies it by saying "french fries"!! Not only when I write it but whenever he sees one anywhere (and yes Joy he is still doing it though he wouldn't "perform" for you:) ) And no I do not take my child to McDonalds all the time!!!

3. He is really into singing and will use anything as a microphone. The other day, quite out of the blue, he started singing into his baseball bat (unidentified melody) "applesause...applesause...applesause at Wal-Mart". I cracked up :)

4. My favorite thing he says (though I think this is common for lots of kids) when he wants to be held, he holds his arms up and says "I hold you". Adorable!

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