Friday, November 20, 2009

Craft Day

I am caught between Thanksgiving and Christmas land so posts may jump back and forth a bit as we celebrate one holiday and get ready for a next :)

Isaiah and I made a clay turkey last week with a mom's group. He was probably a bit young for the activitiy but he had fun and loves his turkey!

We started out by taking the different colors of clay and forming the parts of the turkey.

Here he is "patiently" waiting for the next part. Most of the time I was chasing him around the store!

The proud creator!!!

Here is the finished project. It had to bake for 45 minutes, thus we left and came back later (after nap time) to pick it up.


(isn't it cool that I figured out how to make my pictures bigger!!!)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is a very nice turkey! I love it!