Sunday, September 28, 2008


Here are some shots of Isaiah climbing on just about everything :)

This is also a picture of Isaiah signing the word "more". I keep trying to get video but am always too late.

Here he is trying to do work at the computer desk.

He loves to look outside.

He knocked our boom box on the floor so he could try to get on the entertainment center.
He has a couple of other cool "tricks - like saying the word "uh-oh" and dancing to music. Watch for the videos to come soon!


Heather said...

what a fear there! I can't get over how big he is getting! BTW he has a great smile!

Sherbear2975 said...

I have a climber too! Absolutely no fear! He gives me a heart attack! He is getting so big!!! Happy Birthday! He is going to be one, right?