Monday, June 28, 2010

M&M Trip: Day 4 (part 1)

We started our day off with a boat trip

We are all set, ready to see the dolphins :)

And we weren't disappointed!!!! It was fascinating watching them swim and jump and play!
(do you see the baby with his momma!!!!!!!!)

After many sightings, we headed back to the shore. Here is the tour guide chatting with the kids.

We also saw a cool old lighthouse

and the Coast Guard pulling someone over (check out that huge gun on the front of the boat!)

The morning was a hit!!!!!

We then went to lunch at the Crab Shack

where Adam was the only one to eat seafood :)
Now it is back to the beach!!!!


mommyjoymarie said...

So much fun!!! Next time I come visit you we are so going to the beach!!!!

Renetta said...

You bet, Joy!!! Sooo...when are you guys coming down?!?!?!

Michelle said...

Your trip sounds like so much fun! What great memories for all of you! I here Tybee Island is really beautiful. One of the decor blogs I read, the lady goes there sometimes and features the houses there.