Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fun with Family

Here are some fun, random shots from our time at home...

Fun with cousins.

Visisting Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa.

Isaiah must have missed Carlos O'Kellys as much as I did- because both times we went he ate a ton!!!

The girls had a school concert so we all went and cheered them on.

Isaiah got a haircut from my cousin Hannah.

Erica had never played the Wii so Dad and Adam introduced her :) She kicked their butt in dodge ball!!! You go girl!

(don't you just love action Wii shots!)

Isaiah loved being home with Grammy and Papa.

(Isaiah is trying on Grammy's toys!)

And I loved being home with my sisters!

And just because she is so cute - here is a picture of MiKayla listening to her new MP3 player. She was "singing" to songs she had never heard before. It was adorable!!

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