Sunday, September 6, 2009

Moving Day Part 2

Friday started bright and early with the two movers back, loading the truck. We tried to stay out of the way as much as possible but with a curious toddler, that was a challenge :)
Look at the cutie in the box...I think we will take him with us!

Watching all the activity.

Busy at work.

Wow I am high!

Isaiah liked to play on the ramp.
All of our stuff is on our way and we will follow shortly :( Yesterday I finished cleaning the house and saying my final good bye as I walked out the door. So many memories!!! Today has been a sad day thus far, with more tears to come as we board the plane. The next time I blog I will be starting the new adventure in Atlanta, Georgia!

1 comment:

The Rouse House said...

It's so hard to say goodbye to the familiar. I'm praying this week is full of reminders that God's plan for you is perfect. This post makes me feel like I'm saying goodbye again... Much love and prayers go before you!