Saturday, May 30, 2009

Eventful Day/Cousin Time

To fully appreciate the pictures you are about to view, you must know about our day that led up to them. It started with Isaiah waking up this morning soaked, after wetting through his diaper. So I got him cleaned up, out of wet jammies and into his clothes. We then proceeded to Wal-Mart and to visit my sister Tiffany. While there, Isaiah wets through another diaper and thus we put on a new pair of shorts. After time with Aunt Tiffany, we go to pick my cousin's daughter Keeleigh and then it is off to visit my mom. When we arrive at Grandma's I realize Keeleigh has wet through her diaper and her shorts and shirt are soaked. (By this time I am contemplating writing a letter to Huggies!)So I change her, though her dad sent three shirts and no pants - it was warm so I just put a shirt on her. At lunch Isaiah spills his drink down his shirt and wants it changed, but doesn't want a new one put on so he goes around without a shirt all afternoon. And this brings us to the pictures of Isaiah and Keeleigh playing outside - one with a shirt and diaper and the other in just a diaper and shorts. So cute!
"Here, let me help you"

"How high do you think it is?"

"I think we should try climbing it"

"Let me show you how to play"

"It's too hot, let's play in the garage on the ramp"

"Follow the leader"

After a fun afternoon, I took my kiddos home and gave them naps! I rested too :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

what cute kiddos!