Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!!

Isaiah is
Wow! I can't believe that it has been a year! Isaiah is such a blessing and a joy and though I am a bit sad that he is no longer technically a baby (he will always be my baby), I am excited about the many new, exciting things ahead!

For those of you that don't know, and also so I have it written down somewhere, here is Isaiah's birth story.

October 15, 2007 I went in to the doctor for my 38 week appointment, knowing that he would tell me it was going to be a while longer. I had not been having any contractions so consequently I was making no progress. But I had been having blood pressure issues for a few weeks and my doctor was concerned about this. So he decided that I needed to be admitted in the hospital for a 24 hour observation, to monitor my blood pressure and some other labs. So that Monday morning, Adam and I headed across the street and got checked in. That day was nothing but laying on my side and hanging out. On Tuesday the 16th, my doc comes in that morning, said my blood pressure was looking good and once all my labs were back we would get to go home and spend the next couple of weeks on bed rest. So Adam left for a while, and my mom and fam came to hang out with me until dismissal. But around noon, the doc came back and said that my labs showed that I was beginning to become toxemic (spelling?) and he had scheduled the OR for 4pm to do a C-section. Immediately I called Adam and told him to come right back to the hospital- we were having a baby that day. The rest of the afternoon was busy getting me prepped for surgery and trying to stay calm. Interesting side note, I had my first contractions right before I went to surgery. I was wheeled to the OR around 4:20 and at 4:57 pm Isaiah Justus was born. The proud daddy took many pictures while I was put back together and then we were taken back to the room where our family was all waiting.

The next few days were a whirl-wind of visitors and doctors and most importantly, getting to know my precious son. And since then it has been nothing but an awesome adventure!!!!

I will post other pictures through out the day as we celebrate, but I wanted to get these beginning ones up first thing.


Heather said...

I love the one of Adam holding Isaiah and you looking both look so happy! (and you look beautiful!) What a great birth story!

mommyjoymarie said...

Happy Birthday Isaiah!!
Grayson, Tate and Reed