Wednesday, October 28, 2009

These are a few of my LEAST Favorite Things

Throughout the course of today, I encountered a few things that will never make the list of things I greatly enjoy doing.

1. Isaiah and I made rice krispie treats; and though these are an ok snack, I discovered I would prefer someone else make them. Just not a huge fan of gooey marshmellow cream stuff!

2. We had meatloaf for dinner. As most of my fam knows this is not my favorite meal, mainly because you have to squish around raw meat!! Gross!! None the less, I made it and survived!

3. I had a traumatic experience at a petting zoo when I was younger, or so I am guessing because the idea of animals coming up to me and eating out of my hand freaks me out quite a bit. BUT, I took Isaiah to the Yellow River Game Ranch today and we had a pretty good time. This is a place where many animals roam free and you can pet/feed them and just enjoy being in nature. At first, we were both not sure if it was worth it -- but we (and by we I mean me!) ended up being brave and having a nice time.

The trees are just starting to turn colors and are very pretty.

Deer are everywhere!!! The are very friendly and want food but are not obnoxious like goats and sheep (which you will see later are in pens, thank the Lord)

Our favorite part were the bunnies. A nice girl gave Isaiah a carrot so he could feed them. He loved it!!

Bears are my favorite animal so I enjoyed watching these Georgia Black Bears beg for food.

It is a good thing these weren't roaming 'cuz I would have hauled us out of there in a hurry! My repressed memory must involve goats!!!!!

They had the bucks sectioned off- impresseive antlers.

More trees and the river.

Me trying to get him to look and smile - futile I know!

Overall, it was a good day (though probably not one of my favs :) )

1 comment:

mommyjoymarie said...

Ha! I loved this post! Miss you, my friend.