Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Part 2

Here are the rest of our Christmas Day and weekend pictures. We spent the majority of Christmas Day at my parents house.

Once everyone arrived, we started with the stockings.

Then it was on to the gifts. Here are my nieces with their new sunglasses we gave them.
Isaiah got a tool set from Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Luke.

From my parents Isaiah received a basketball goal. Here is Papa helping Isaiah shoot a basket.

His Aunt Erica gave him his first car. He loves it!
Here he is helping MiKayla go a little faster.

He found a purse of someone's and decided to carry it around for quite a while.

Here is Isaiah playing with the school bus he gave to Papa.

We spent Friday and Saturday at Adam's mom's house. Friday afternoon was so nice that we spent some time outside. Isaiah loved being in the wagon.
(Note: he had to wear Daddy's hat until we found his!)

He especially liked pushing it.

We tried the trike but he didn't really like it.

On Saturday Uncle Kent, Aunt Julie, and Marla came over and there were more gifts.

Here are a couple of funny pictures of the kids. Isaiah loved putting this toy in his mouth the whole time we were there. It goes to a cupcake/cake play set.

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