Friday, August 22, 2008

Week in Review

As I haven't posted in a while, I thought I'd fill everyone in on this past week. It started out with an emotional project for me. We finally ran out of room in Isaiah's dresser drawers, so I had to pack up everything that he has out-grown. This included everything from newborn to his current size 9-12 months. And of course, just about every outfit has a memory so I was a bit emotional.
But on the flip side, as he is getting bigger (and older- he is now 10 months!) he is getting so cool. He pulls himself up onto just about everything. He can "walk" along furniture and loves to push his walker toy around the room. He is into drawers and cabinets so it is time to baby-proof. He is exporing different sounds and facial expressions. And he is starting to imitate other people. We are having a blast and trying to enjoy every minute of ot :)
The other exciting news of the week is we got new windows!! When we bought our house 2 years ago, all the windows were old, brittle, and painted shut. So finally got around to replacing them, and it is wonderful to be able to open windows and feel a breeze through the house. I'm looking forward to that this fall-- though right now we still have our air on :)
I promise to try and get some new pictures and video of Isaiah's new "tricks" so stay tuned.

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